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WHY “GNU.hope”

Submitted by zClark on Fri, 31/Mar/2006 - 11:19

Tue Mar 28 15:51:42 2006 — what's in a name?

This is a surprisingly heavy subject and has received an inordinate quantity of thought. Nevertheless I find little to expound on which promises to make this post our smallest to date. I probably carefully considered a score names but can only remember one now - “OnRecord” (OR for short). As a point of curiosity, I originally wrote up showMe.html using the name “GNU-foo”. Just before forwarding it to my hero, I did a little investigation on the Internet regarding that term (with hopes that it was not much used) and consequently discovered how naive I'd been. GNU.hope did not rhyme (with itself) but said a lot more than “GNU-foo”. Also I very much liked the sound of giving someone GNU.hope (thanks to the obvious sentiment conveyed). My main hesitation was that “hope” seemed a bit weak (as in ‘hoping 'n wishing’). Also while “hope” is only one syllable (a big positive), I'd still prefer less than four letters just to minimize the written size. To help address that concern I decided to swap the original hyphen (-) with a period (.) which proved to be aesthetically nice as well.

That brings us to the “GNU” part. OK, after gawking at this screen for about an hour let me simply put it like this: For me, the people behind GNU and the whole free software phenomena represents the most avant-garde, beautifully courageous warriors on this planet. Moreover, this movement holds the most realistic hopes of significantly accelerating the advancement of our race toward greater rationality - whether they're clueless of this role or not.

Given the above it should not be surprising that: 1st, one might reasonably hope to encounter some independent thinkers within the GNU ranks who would readily relate to my ideas for a free monetary alternative. 2nd, nothing could gratify me more than facilitating in schemes to financially empower this important segment of our society. Consequently, I sent a reasonably detailed summary of my modest proposal to Mr. Stallman, which resulted in three email messages from him. In no instance was there any hint of an objection to my coining the term “GNU.hope” for the purposes mentioned. This could be construed as tacit agreement, but I just don't feel that it's good enough. Nor do I think it is fair on my part to ask for a more explicit ‘OK’. Furthermore I have no standing within the GNU community to justify my use of any such term for a personal project (especially something this controversial that may well not pan out as desired). Consequently I now consider my “GNU.hope” selection a bad judgment call. And as much as I'd long to lend and receive support through an association with this group I so admire; a retraction of the GNU.hope name is most probably in order. I'd do so at this moment, but see no harm in giving my thoughts a bit more time to gel.

Tue Mar 28 21:48:25 2006