Following are reproductions of three recent email sent to
Mr. Limbaugh regarding the current affairs in Honduras.
Subject: A question from the new seat of Democracy - HONDURAS
Mr. Rush,
Not being a sophisticated political analyst, I am wholly bewildered by the upsetting unanimity of polarized political prejudice against (the people of) Honduras (i.e. support for Manuel Zelaya). Moreover, the moronic mantras mouthed about democratic principles & processes and constitutional order is blatantly brazen considering that those are precisely the points most violated by ‘Mel’.
Regarding the Honduras Constitution, allow me to quote from the bottom of the page found at
“Title VII, with two chapters, outlines the process of amending the constitution and sets forth the principle of constitutional inviolability. The constitution may be amended by the National Congress after a two-thirds vote of all its members in two consecutive regular annual sessions. However, several constitutional provisions may not be amended. These consist of the amendment process itself, as well as provisions covering the form of government, national territory, and several articles covering the presidency, including term of office and prohibition from reelection.”
Moreover from (and written by a Honduran politician in 1992) we read, “… the armed forces are charged with fulfilling eminently political functions: maintaining the rule of the Constitution, the principles of free suffrage, and the alternation of the office of the presidency of the republic.”
SO MY QUESTION IS THIS: Is the vehemence of the reactions against Honduras by Obama and other leftist leaders due to FEAR?
In other words, the courageously pro-democratic actions taken by Honduras cannot be allowed to prevail as this would set a highly dangerous precedence. I mean, IF Honduras can get by with independently cleaning up a grave threat to their constitution and way of life with zero outside assistance/interference, THEN what is to prevent other countries from following their valiant example? Could this “Honduras Happening” potentially derail us off the “new world order” track and revive quaint dreadful notions of sovereignty? Is there any validity to the prospect that Ortega, Chavez. or even Obama could follow Zelaya's fate if this Honduran happenstance is not urgently undone? *OR* is there a better answer to the desperate untenable accusations exacted against Honduras by leftest??
To collect your own complete copy of the Honduran constitution I suggest:
To enjoy a visual of the Honduras I know & love you are invited to check out:
Mr. Limbaugh,
As the number one crusader for Democracy on this planet, would you be willing to take a call directly from Mr. Micheletti on your radio program?? If so, kindly advise as I believe a truly historic interview can be arranged.
To explain: Myself along with several influential and concerned Hondurans have been invited to the Capital to meet with Congressional members and Mr. Roberto Micheletti.
You are our first choice and best hope of getting the Honduran positioned fairly aired, as the rest of the world seems bent on avoiding the truth. Real democracy is hanging by a thread in Honduras while the rest of the world is flourishing machetes – a Rush Limbaugh lifeline could make all the difference.
PS: I wrote to you yesterday (Subject: A question from the new seat of Democracy - HONDURAS). Subsequently we read with great satisfaction your latest insights on Honduras at:
Third open letter to Mr. Limbaugh:
Given that:
1) Our Central American neighbors via the OAS disowns and opposes Honduras in its struggle to defend democracy and its constitution.
2) The World Bank is trying to financially dissuade/threaten Honduras from its pursuit of justice.
Why should Honduras not capitulate and reward everyone by simply Declaring its sovereign independence this July 4th?
After all, shouldn't a Honduras freed from the bounds of ‘cooperation’ with entities like the UN, ALBA and the OAS advance and develop better than ever? How can Honduras (or anyone) possibly function with integrity when various big brothers thrive on tying our hands to their money. Why allow ourselves to be held back by trying to fit in with a counter productive leftist consensus? When has a pack advanced faster than a true sovereign independent country?
Honduras is the politically most stable nation in Central America and given its geographical location, deep sea ports, highway system, etc. is easily the most strategically positioned country here. So those who seek to punish Honduras with isolation, are likely cutting their own throats.
And is it not inevitable that Honduras' historical alliance with the US will only wax more worthy as Honduras grows increasingly independent and democratic? (Just as Britain remaining outside of the UE pack has been a benefit to both her and the US.)